
Schmidt’s Nine Lives


Release Date: 24 September 2015

Trailer (German)



Competition | 26. Film Festival Emden-Norderney

Genre: Comedy, 90 Minutes
Director: Marc Schlegel
Writer: Stephanie Töwe-Rimkeit, Marc Schlegel
Production Company: FFL Film- und Fernseh-Labor Ludwigsburg GmbH & Co. KG
Broadcaster: SWR
Film Fund: MFG Medien- und Filmgesellschaft Baden-Württemberg
Main Cast: Michael Lott, Michael Kessler, Christiane Seidel, Franziska Traub, Volker Zack Michalowski, Désireé Nick, Tom Gerhard, Alexander Fennon, Georg Alfred Wittmer

Distributor: MFA


A co-production with SWR. Supported by MFG Film Fund Baden-Württemberg. Completed 2015.



Werner is single and frustrated and secretly sets cars on fire. One day he accidentally injures the chaotic Sybille. She not only blackmails him to get rid of a ruthless persecutor, she completely shakes up his otherwise orderly life.